Weekend Warrior: Updating the House Number Display
Updating your house number display is a great weekend project for the whole family. Whether the numbers are fading, falling apart, or simply boring, there are options for updating the numbers that range from classic, to creative, to downright outlandish. Having an appealing house number display makes the exterior of a property more appealing. Purchase some tools and materials from EquipSupply.com and get your weekend started with one of the following house number display projects.
Wood and Nails –With a hammer in hand, wood and nails are all you need to make a creative and unique house number display. Use a board that is appropriate in size when it comes to thickness, length, and width. Use a pencil to draft out the house numbers on the board to get a good idea of how far apart the numbers should be in relation to each other. Once satisfied, form the numbers on the board by using the hammer to insert the nails in halfway. Once the house numbers are completed, display your work in a visible location on your property.
Rustic yet Elegant – To create a rustic vertical number display, you’ll need paint stir sticks, a vertical piece of wood that will act as your base, wood glue, stain, and the numbers of your house.
First, spray paint the base to blend in with the surrounding background. Cut the stir sticks down so that they can be attached horizontally to the vertical base. Before attaching, stain the sticks and give ample time for drying. Finally, attach your house numbers evenly and vertically. Hang up the display once everything has dried.
“Upcycle” old buckets – This creative display merges old props with fresh plants for an unusual but refreshing combination. Using old galvanized buckets you have around the house, trace and paint an oval using chalk paint. Print out a style of numbers you like, then cut and trace one number per bucket. Paint the number a different color than the oval to make it stand out. Allow your kids to add decorations or patterns to the buckets, if desired. Coat each bucket with two coats of polyurethane. Finally, select plants for the buckets and display your work on your front porch. Add a spotlight so that the display can be viewed at night.
Revolving Holiday Inspiration – It can be fun to switch up house number displays on an ongoing basis. Displays can be changed throughout the year based on upcoming holidays. For example, autumn ushers in earthy colors, colorful leaves, and pumpkins. In this example, pumpkins are used for the house numbers in a fun and easy display. During Christmas, you may create a festive wreath, and you can build mini birdhouses to usher in the springtime. There are limitless possibilities.