That’s a nice garden! Try this to have the best garden in town.
Start a compost pile!
Get the best out of your garden by creating a compost pile. You can use grass clippings, old fruits and vegetables, egg shells, or even coffee grounds. This will not only create a natural fertilizer for your garden, but reduce the amount of waste heading to the landfill. The best time to start a compost pile is in the spring and summer months. Starting when it’s warm or even hot will allow you time for your compost pile to “cook”. The heat will break down the components faster. You also want to make sure to keep your compost pile from getting dry. It’s important to water your compost pile when you start to see that the summer heat is drying it out. If you have a compost pile that isn’t close to a water supply, use a water sprayer like the Chapin 2 gallon compression sprayer. It can be used for water, fertilizer, and general cleaning as well.
Using your compost can be simple by grabbing a compost spreader. Check out the selection of spreaders we have from the sifting Compost spreader by Seymour Midwest or for smaller gardens the Earthway Handheld spreaderand the Hand Held Broadcast Spreader.
There’s still plenty of time to get a garden going this year.
The best items to plant in August are broccoli, brussel sprouts, cabbage, beets, arugula, carrots, spinach, and so much more. You definitely want to check your region for what you want to plant and when as this can vary by region. Most of the mentioned plants can be grown anywhere in the country.
We have plenty of items available for your composting and landscaping needs from the items mentioned above to tillers and aerators. Check out our landscaping section!