Safety: Home Security for Seniors
Aging is a natural part of life. It’s understandable that seniors may face challenges doing things around the house as they get older. More and more individuals are opting to remain in their homes instead of moving to assisted-living facilities, because they feel comfortable in a familiar environment. Fortunately, it is possible to make a home safe for seniors without a huge budget or time commitment. Here are factors to consider when getting started:
- Make sure all fire-escape routes are clearly marked, even if that means sticking neon-colored tape against the floors or walls. Alternatively, you could use bright paint to indicate a way out in case of an emergency.
- Install smoke alarms on every floor, changing batteries regularly.
- Install a video system that can be accessed from anywhere in the world. With this, seniors can monitor the house without having to walk to every room.
- Add more lights to the house, especially near stairways, porches, and outside walkways so seniors feel more safe and confident as they move around the house.
- Replace doorknobs and faucets with lever handles, so they can be turned with the entire hand instead of a few fingers.
- Get rid of throw rugs and other clutter on the floor.
- Remove raised doorway thresholds.
- Place rubber tips on walkers and canes.
- Add handrails to stairways.
- Install grab handles in the bathroom.
- Use nonskid mats inside and outside the tub, and near the toilet and sink.
- Add a shower chair or bath bench.
- Consider installing a curbless shower, which will eliminate the need to step up and over.
- Raise the toilet a few inches.
- Use the lower shelves in the kitchen to stock food and supplies.
- Purchase a reaching device so items that are too high up can be accessed easily.
- Rearrange furniture to allow seniors to move around freely and reduce the risk of falling. Discard unstable furniture such as chairs with broken legs.
- Set up a communication system that will allow seniors to get help or trigger an alarm with the push of one button.
- Throw away unused or expired medication. Label all new prescriptions in large, bold print that is easy to read.
- Remove doors to facilitate use and movement of wheelchairs or walkers.
- Install a ramp at the entrance of the house so that seniors can avoid climbing stairs.