5 Home Inspections You Should Get Regularly

Owning a home is a huge responsibility. In addition to making sure that you pay your mortgage on time, you need to keep up on various repairs and projects to keep your home in good repair. There are some things you can keep track of on your own, but there are some things you won’t notice until they become a big problem. To avoid this, make sure you get these inspections regularly.


Your roof is one of the most important parts of your home, and you need to make sure it stays in good condition. This structure is constantly exposed to strong rains, winds, and hail that caused damages. A hole in the roof causes a leak that creates more damage inside of your home. You should get your home inspected at least once a year, especially if you live in an area that is subject to extreme weather.


Pests can do a lot of damage to your home, especially if you don’t notice them. Whenever you clean your home, check the windows and corners for signs of pests or damage. You should also get your home inspected at least once a year. Some pests don’t leave obvious signs behind, so the equipment that pest control companies use and their expertise is crucial for finding any hidden invasions and getting rid of them quickly.

Plumbing System

A water leak can be a huge disaster, especially if you don’t notice it at first. Not only will you have to repair the leak, but you will also have to replace anything that was near the leak, and you may have some structural damage. You should periodically do a self-inspection of areas that have a concentration of plumbing, including the furnace room, kitchen, bathrooms, laundry room, and garage. If you suspect you have a problem, have a plumber perform an inspection. They can pinpoint the problem and correct before it causes more trouble.

HVAC System

Have a professional check your heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) system regularly. You put a lot of use on the HVAC system, especially during the summer and winter and you want to make sure that it is working at full capacity, so you don’t waste your money. This inspection will make sure that your HVAC system is working properly and that you don’t have any problems.

Energy Audit

It can be useful to get an energy audit at least once a year. Many power companies offer them for free, and they can actually save you a ton of money. The auditor will help you identify areas where you can save money and energy. This could include using different lights, adjusting your thermostat, or finding energy-efficient appliances. You may even be able to save some money on your energy bill for getting the audit.

These inspections might seem like a lot to remember, but they pay off in both the long- and short-term. You want to make sure your house stays in good condition, so don’t skip the things that keep you comfortable.


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